Conference Schedule
RENEW Toronto will be a Spirit-filled full day experience on Saturday, November 23rd. Keynotes, workshops, Mass, Adoration, and more. Don’t miss a beat! Check out the full conference schedule below. On Sunday, November 24th we will gather at St. Michael’s Cathedral Basilica for mass and a social gathering.
DAY 1 | Canada Event Centre
9:00 AM
Doors Open & Registration Begins
Marketplace Open9:30 AM
Welcome Remarks & Blessing
Praise and Worship
Keynote #1 - Living Heroic Virtue (Dr. Andrew and Sarah Swafford)11:00 AM
Break (Marketplace Open)11:30 AM
Daily Mass -
12:45 PM
Lunch (Marketplace Open)1:15 PM – 1:45 PM
Lunch & Learn - Recognizing God's Tone of Voice (Fr. Matt McCarthy)2:30 PM
Afternoon Session Begins
Praise and Worship
Keynote #2 - The Transforming Power of Healing and Friendship (Dr. Andrew and Sarah Swafford)3:30 PM
Break (Marketplace Open)4:00 PM
Workshop Round #1
#1 Why We Believe What We Believe (Dr. Andrew and Sarah Swafford)
#2 Love leads to Victory: Living your deepest identity (Sr. Beata Victoria, SV)5:00 PM
Workshop Round #2#1 Hope is Calling: Living your call in uncertain times (Fr. Alex Colautti, CC)
#2 A Mission to Witness (Christy Dupuis, CCO)5:45 PM
Break (Marketplace Open) -
6:00 PM
Eucharistic Adoration
Closing Announcements7:30 PM
Dinner (Add-On Meal option) - sponsored by Ignite Ministry Canada - The Redemptorists
Evening Social until 11:00 PM
DAY 2 | St. Michael's Cathedral Basilica
1:30 PM
Prayer2:00 PM
Sunday Mass3:15 PM
Social gathering with Cardinal-Elect Francis Leo5:00 PM
*Schedule is subject to change.
“Be who you were created to be, and you will set the world on fire.”
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